Alliance Make Presence Felt at Queen's

In a statement the group said that they hoped to offer "a cross-community political debating forum which aims to offer students from all ethnic, religious and political backgrounds an opportunity to express their views on the best way forward for everyone in Northern Ireland as a whole".
At present the Alliance Party has no formal presence at Queen's compared to their main political rivals: the DUP, Sinn Fein, the UUP and the SDLP. In order to secure formal recognition they will be required to submit a constitution along with 15 names of interested students' to the VP for Clubs & Services who will then submit their application to Student Council for recognition. If successful they will join the UUP, who were reinstated as an official society this academic year. Fianna Fail, the governing political party in the Republic of Ireland, hosted an an event at Queen's earlier this year. They too hope to start an official society at Queen's, but how realistic this objective is remains to be seen.
The Alliance Party group hope to become formally recognised at the April meeting of Council, their official title will be, 'Queen's University Alliance Society' (QUAS).
Alliance Party
I'd like to welcome Alliance to the scene, all the best with setting up.
And make the most of that welcome, as a strong unionist and a thatcherite I may be disagreeing with you a fair amount of the time ;)
how are posters going up in the Union if you aren't a offical society yet?
Good luck with that venture, I enjoy hearing a wide range of perspectives in the union. No doubt we will be in contact next semester
Yeah I saw posters just outside the speakeasy. To my knowledge only recognised societies can display posters all of which need to be oked by qubsu, stamped etc.
Hope Alliance still invite Alan Leonard back to freshers day tho.....good guy.
The Queen's Alliance society formation meeting is confirmed for Wed. 29th of March and will be held in G.06 of the Peter Froggart Centre between 5.30-7.30pm, it will most likely only last 1 hour however, so it would be best to turn up at 5.30 or before.
This will give students a good idea of what the society will be all about and guest speakers will be attending from the Alliance Party and Young alliance too.
We are having problems getting the posters and flyers to advertise this and won't receive them until Tuesday, so please inform as many people as poss. about the event. In Addition, an A4 version of the poster will be going up around campus tommorow, which will be franked and okayed by the clubs/societies office, like the last one was!
The head of clubs and services has no right to stamp any posters
Spy it was my understanding that that was one of the duties of that office. Is it not?
Bottom floor of the admin. office frank all posters.
The alliance society has finally been approved. We now have to elect an executive and set up an account with finance.
I'd like to take this oppertunity to express my thanks to all who have helped out in getting the society approved and would like to welcome anyone who wishes to join the society to get in touch and possibly attend the forth coming meeting to elect an executive.
contact me at,
many thanks,
Stephen McKenzie-Bell
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