Ben Preston responds...

1. Why has QUBRAG not been running this year?
2. Has any attempt been made to get it up and running?
3. Has the post of QUBRAG officer/co-ordinator been advertised?
4. Has the RAG issue been discussed at the Executive?
5. What comments were made on this issue?
Today, on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 your President has replied, saying:
"I'd be happy to give a perspective but RAG is its own society. It's my view that RAG needs to be kick started again with investment from the Students' Union however I wouldn't want to prejudice the internal RAG review findings for next month."
The Gown understands that a proportion of the profit generated from sales of the RAG magazine (PTQ), due to be released later this month, will be re-invested into RAG as a society. The money will help get RAG back on its feet, and recruiting of new members will commence at the freshers fair this October.
The upcoming issue of PTQ is being produced by the SU Executive and will feature the return of Miss PTQ as exclusively revealed by The Gown in April.
I'm devastated! Well done Gown Team for getting to the bottom... of this one.
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