History Made in Stormont
Ian Paisley has said "On Saturday, the DUP executive overwhelmingly endorsed a motion committing our party to support and participate fully in government in May of this year - this is a binding resolution." The devolution was in doubt at one point as previously Monday had been set as the deadline for a power-sharing agreement but the DUP appealed to Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain to extend the deadline by 6 weeks to avoid a potential split in the party. Sinn Fein have agreed to the 6 week extension and Gerry Adams - who wore his Easter Lily to commemorate those who died in the 1916 Rising at the talks - has reacted positively saying "I believe the agreement reached between Sinn Fein and the DUP - including the unequivocal commitment made by their party executive and reiterated today - to the restoration of political institutions on 8 May marks the beginning of a new era of politics on this island."
It appears to be an historic time in Northern Ireland but there will still be those who remain sceptical as to whether power-sharing will be succesful. The Gown would like to know how students feel about devolution and if they believe the politicians of the country can, in the words of Peter Hain, get down to "bread and butter issues" like water charges for instance? Is this a step forward for Northern Ireland or just another token gesture destined to collapse?