New Exec Elected

The new online voting system was undoubtedly a contributing factor to the higher number of voters, as well as the more active campaigns of the candidates. This year, in contrast to others, manifestoes were made accessible and clearer to the average student, and colourful posters advertising the elections were seen around the Union weeks in advance.
There was the usual bickering among candidates of course, as is usually the case in Northern Ireland; Some claimed that aims targeting law students were simply false promises, bebo was used as a base on which to publicise views about certain potential executive members and one personal statement was even alleged to be disadvantageous to the others due to its 70 extra words...
By Friday afternoon however, threats of electoral courts had been dropped, sore losers had dried their eyes and the names of those to take up residence in the spacious offices of the second floor of the Union next year had been announced. (see below)
Despite certain hitches which were to be expected in a new system of voting, this year saw a positive move towards the way Union voting should be at Queen's - more students taking part, clear campaigns and (for the most part) genuine candidates with no hidden agendas. All that remains is for the new executive to go about fulfilling their promises in the year ahead...let's hope they make more of an impact than the present one has.
President - John Roger
Deputy President - Sarah McCaffrey
VP Education - Michál Harkin
VP Welfare - Ciarnan Helferty
VP Clubs and Services - Steffan Rafferty
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Congratulations to all those who took part it was fun and enjoyable election to be part of.
'his provo affilliations' ??? you are a bit of a werdio.
What provo affiliations would these be now? Are you privey to info we are not? or are you just engaging in mindless speculation and tripe, reactionary, bigoted consequentist political point scoring???
Can i reiterate what david has said... Brilliant few days, and congrats to all.
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Putting up his posters on the back of sinn fein election posters for example.
Why didn't he just run as a clear sinn fein candidate?
BTW: ciarnan you actually got my vote!
is it any wonder some people got elected when they were exploiting the unions entertainment on the election days, making it look like it was part of their campaign!!
We would like to reiterate that assumptions with no clear factual basis are not welcome on this site.
I wish neo got elected!!!!
will the new VP education be seeking advice from Martin McGuiness on education issues since he was using Sinn Fein election posters???
Running as out and out Sinn Féin candidate is not allowed..... read the constitution! if he could have he would have!.... and his vote would have reflected that of the assembly elections... increased mandate! up the ógra!
Why did some posters instruct students to "vote" and others "votail"?
Surely michal could have put the sinn fein logo on his posters? no?
Why did you not run dermott?
Yup. Well done to Michál Harkin. And to the others of course! ;)
Both posters instructed students to VOTE...
just in different languages, whats the problem? Micháls name is the Irish version of Michael and some of his posters had the Irish version of vote, whats the big deal? he can use any language he wants to attract voters. As for using the SF logo, I dont think Brian Heading would have approved and as i said before I think that is outlawed by the constitution. and I didnt stand because i want to concentrate on my degree in my final year.
If the socialist candidates can runn under a party political banner then why can't sinn fein??
The answer is that they know they would get thrashed so have to try and dumb down their campaign. Total cowards.
It remains to see what morons they select for non-sabs but now that everyone realises who and what mr Harkin is i doubt such candidates will get too far.
First of all please spell my name properly, thers only one 'T' at the end... and we are not 'cowards' thats why when replying to any post on here I reply with my name, I see u dont!....whos the coward?? so in future Mr 'Anonymous' please do me the decency of spelling it correctly! and if candidates can stand as members of a political party or association I look forward to future elections where ógra Shinn Féin, its candidates and supporters will be present in every single part of the University campus as the most pro active, most visible, student friendly alternative for ALL students of this Uiversity!
so what non sab position are you running for?
Dermot, with regards to spelling; it's UNIVERSITY. How can an organisation such as ogra Sinn Fein represent "ALL" students, when not all students agree with illegal paramilitary activities????
Brown Eyes with regards to spelling its ÓGRA SHINN FÉIN. Or was that just a TYPO??
And Ógra can represent ALL students because we are not asking anyone to support "illegal paramilitary activities".. what rubbish like seriously catch yer self on... we are about building an Ireland of Equals and we apply that to the University and Students Union also... it will be plain for all to see when Michál takes office next year... wont see us opposing the formation of an ulster scots traditional group any other similar grouping!
what non sab post are you running for?
"wont see us opposing the formation of an ulster scots traditional group any other similar grouping! "
Seeing as you have never attended any council meeting this year..............
Would look good on you SCA literature
Lets look forward to yet another year of "fair trade and group hugs" politics under john roger.
How drab.......
Sinn Fein and Orga Sinn Fein candidates in our University certainly DO NOT serve "ALL" students at the University. I would not ask for help or advice from any of those people if they were the last on this earth. Bigotted to the core. They do not and will not represent every student on campus. The petty political point scoring and pointless propaganda does not wash with anyone but the most brainwashed.
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