YES, another election

FLIES, Bumble bee's and Wasp's replace voters as Queen's University students' face another poll.
Turn-out by 4 p.m. has be seen to be poor but Returning officer, Brian Heading awaits the final day's results before he casts a final judgement.
Today, as blogged earlier in the week, sees the non-sabbactical elections take place with only one position contested, not by only one person but three, plus RON. All elections in SU polls allow for the option of 'Re-open Nominations' to offer voters a choice but it appears that voters have decided to forfit that choice in unanmiously agreeing to allow the candidate with a 'pulse' walk in victory.
The question remains as to why this is and has been the case. Previous SU Presidents' and Executive's have sought to improve turnout but with few results.
This election has seen less of a 'buzz' with candidates appearing confident and seen doing little major campaigning or poster painting. It has been reported that by 12.30 pm only 12 votes had been cast at the David Kerr building, Stranmillis Rd. Similar scenes could be seen elsewhere with most votes cast in the MBC building and PFC.
The only interesting result from this election will be from the position of Post-graduate officer with three candidates running and only two post-graduates. Watch this space but with most results predictable I suspect that the only 'losers' will be the bookies.
Did Michael Currie win the Postgraduate's Officer election as expected?
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