Queen's Marks No Smoking Day

Aimed to promote a healthier lifestyle, the health profiles will test individual's carbon monoxide readings. The assessors will then explain how much benefit could be derived from giving up smoking. A follow-up test is also on offered to show how much the carbon monoxide reading changes after giving up.
The University has marked No Smoking Day for the last 6 years and has a No Smoking policy in all University buildings.
A charity, oddly enough called No Smoking Day (NSD), organises the national campaign every year. The charity is based in London and is run by 3 full time staff. NSD aims to help people who want to stop smoking by creating a supportive environment for them, and by highlighting the many sources of help available to people who want to quit.
The campaign has been running for 23 years and claims to have helped 1.4 million smokers stop for good.
Does this apply to all areas of the University. I have seen people smoking in some parts of the union, and I know for a fact that some of my lecturers smoke in their offices.
The sooner the new non-smoking laws come in the better.
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