Neo named 'International Student of the Year'

Having detailed his experience of life in Northern Ireland in a letter to his father in China he explained that the decision to study at Queen's has "paved my way to a bright future allowing me to shine". Neo has played an active part in the Union during his four years studying Management in Belfast and ran for President during the recent sabbatical elections.
The award is a recognition of the many achievements Neo has had while living here. He was the first Chinese national to be installed as a student officer at the University, was voted best newcomer by staff at Invest NI in 2006 where he spent a year on placement and has even translated a prisoner's handbook into Mandarin and Cantonese.
In an interview with Good Morning Ulster, Neo revealed that Queen's long and established history as a leading University in the UK was an influential reason for deciding to study well as a love of 'the black stuff' of course!
Total Legend!!
This story is remarkably similar to the one i read on the BBC website a few days ago... exactly the same in parts... perhaps the gown might try and write its own stuff now and again... Just a suggestion
well done neo!!!
Ciarnan, The article posted on the blog did take its information from the BBC website and a reference is made to the interview with the BBC radio show in the article. The piece is simply an informative one to keep students up to date. Unfortunately, due to the Easter break, it was not possible to get an interview in person with the man himself and so this piece was written in the meantime. However there are plans in the pipeline for a 'Gown' interview in the next few weeks. Your suggestion has been taken on board...thanks for the support.
Well done Neo, you deserve it!!!
Well done Neo. I was on the BBC website last week when I saw your face beside a headline on the story.
It was the same picture as the Gown have used actually.
Ciarnan and Cather leave the Gown alone you meanies!
SCA said- Good man Neo. You worked with me on the Chinese Handbook, which has gone a massive way in helping families in Northern Ireland.
I am glad to see that the project has helped this gentleman gain the credit he deserves.
Having worked with international students for two years, it is difficult to get them involved in NI Life. Neo not only helped me on the project but was able to bring onboard students who would normally not get involved. He also brought a small chinese community to my concert last week, a has helped me when times were hard.
A real credit to his country, and a credit to Northern Ireland.
A real pleasure to have worked with him.
Student Community Action Officer (Edward Hanna)
This guy is great.
He gave me a lot of help and advice at the start of the year when I got suspended for a month for ill-conduct.
But he has helped me with my anger problems and am now a new man.
God Bless you.
Well done Neo if you can help Kev's anger management issues then theres no stopping you!
Would kev's surname be mc gourty?
Just drawing the comparison with anger management....
Now now Sophie, there'e bound to be more than one Kev with anger management issues in the students' union.
....I would be very careful about some of the stuff you guys are saying and more over, the Gown for Publishing it...
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