By Frank Talk
Members of the Student Executive are to complain about the way the sabbatical elections were conducted.
Usually the so-called 'Golden Oldies' are deployed to man the polling stations, located around campus. However, this year the elections must have coincided with something good on Richard & Judy or perhaps a National Trust holiday; certainly 'Golden Oldies' were not to be seen.
Many people would say, so what, who cares, the result might be more accurate without the aid of Vision Express. But certain student sabbatical officers, who I think it is fair to say have too much time on their hands, have decided to complain that 'Golden Oldies' were shelved in favour of part-time students. Despite obviously being burdened with the big issue day and working hard for student welfare, some members of the Executive are allegedly going to make their complaints public. Of course when you think about it, issues such as increased fees, student housing being over-crowded and under-regulated and lecturers going on strike all pale into insignificance when you compare it to the absense of the 'Golden Oldies'. I mean there is always the risk that part-time staff would want to gerrymander the result!
The thing that these Student Executive members have obviously not considered*, is that if the part-time staff 'fiddled' the result, or at least had the ability to do so, then they quite possibly should not have been elected. How different could the result be, if we held another election, just for clarification? The tables could be completely turned and narrow victories could easily become decicive defeats.
Part-time staff were employed because the old folk didn't want to put their chilblains to the test, by sitting in foyers around the University. By demanding that old people count the ballot papers, student executive members could be exposing senior citizens to harm. Old people matter too you know!
I suppose it is logical enough to assume that the personality types who pick a fight over these sorts of non-issues, are also likely to be offended by being told to grow up, grasp perspective and get a life...whoops did I just say that?
* Recent reports suggest this issue may not come up - obviously another election is not something they want to risk.